How to get to the lost isles
How to get to the lost isles

how to get to the lost isles

Build 3 nice Huts, a pigfarm and a warehouse.…to Murlod Island: (Quests to do on Ancestors' Atoll) Order 3 longterm deals in the Shaman Shop.Stockpile 300 Sand, 300 Cut Marble and 600 Food.Find 6 Sandbags in Sand pit, an anchor in the cave and 4 Boxes in the lumber mill to build a Zeppelin (you need to have the Stone Guardian built to get this quest).Build a Marble processing mill and order a quick deal.Find 5 wedges in the Trading post and a Lever in the cave to build the marble processing mill.Build a Sand Pit (needs Level 35 and Main Building Level 8).Find 3 shovels from mines and 1 Wheel Barrow from Lumber Mill.Build 3 Villas and upgrade all of them to Level 3.Build 5 Trading Posts, 3 Shaman Shops and a Theater.Build a Quarry, Stone Processing Mill and Marble Pit.Buy territory south of where you started (70k).…to Ancestors' Atoll: (Quests to do on Mystery Shore) Find a Flashlight and a Shovel in the shipwreck and 5 Thermoses in the cave.Buy the territory in the southeast with the Cave (160k Gold) and explore it.Buy the Territory with the shipwreck and explore it.

how to get to the lost isles

Build 2 Huts, 2 Cauldrons and 2 Bonfires.… to Mystery Shore: (Quests to do on Marble Fiord) Look for them in bushes, blockages and Jamboa's Hut Find a Compass and a Backpack in the airplane and assemble all fragments of the map.Order 4 Longterm Deals in Forester's Hut.Build a Lumber Mill and order a Quick Deal.Take 4 saws from enemies or find them in treasure chests.…to Marble Fiord: (Quests to do on Island of the Ancients)

How to get to the lost isles